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Healthy Living on the Run

Did you know that absenteeism is costing U.S. employers a staggering $225.8 billion every year? That’s $1,685 per employee in lost productivity! The good news? You can turn this around by investing in your employees' well-being. What if I told you that one simple workshop could help your workforce become healthier, safer, more energized, and cost you, in total, less than that $1,685 per employee?

Harvard Business Review highlights that presenteeism—when employees show up sick—costs employers between $150 to $250 billion annually. Chronic diseases, stress, fatigue, depression, and an aging workforce are all cutting into your bottom line.

Imagine offering your employees a fun, fast, and educational 90-minute workshop where they’ll learn to:

Fall asleep quickly, stay asleep, and get right back to sleep if they wake up.
Boost their energy levels throughout the day.
Manage workplace stress (and personal stress, too).
Eliminate "brain fog" and stay focused longer.
Fit exercise into their routine effortlessly
Maybe even lose some weight!

And that’s just the beginning!

Let’s talk about how this workshop or presentation can help your company or organization improve productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and create a healthier, more engaged workforce. Reach out via message, text, call, or email, and let’s boost your bottom line together!

Katie Evans has spent the last 2 decades traveling across the US teaching these principles to primarily women who wanted to lose weight in a healthy way. What she discovered was that by healing things like sleep and stress, the weight came off and stayed off.
Katie is an author, therapist, hypnotherapist, and meditation instructor. She is a graduate of the University of Washington, with a BA in Psychology. She lives in Everett, WA with her rescue Shih Tzu, Chipper.

Katie Speaking at Microsoft.HEIC


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As an entrepreneur and small business owner for over 30 years, Katie has faced the challenges that you do and will share the lessons she has learned with your group

Katie and her husband, Walt, owned Billy the Kid’s Restaurant in Renton, WA and after his death, Katie became a hypnotherapist, drawing on her degree in psychology from the University of Washington. She has helped people all over the US and Canada lose weight by facing and overcoming their fears.

Katie is first and foremost a storyteller. She realized early in her career that people learn fastest when taught in that form. Her presentations are informative, timely and insightful. Katie believes that laughter is a powerful teaching tool and uses it liberally in her thought-provoking sessions. Everyone goes home feeling better and lighter.

She delivers the perfect touch of comedy, inspiration and timely messaging that will make your event fun, meaningful, and memorable for all.

Katie’s passion is supporting people in succeeding beyond their wildest dreams.


Cindi Pederson
Unity Center for Positive Living

"I have known Katie for over 6 years and have hired her to speak before my group at least twice a year during that time. She's such an entertaining speaker and her messages are always timely and enlightening. I would heartily recommend anyone who is looking to learn and laugh hire Katie. She is easy to work with, she will make your life so much easier, and you will receive tons of kudos for your choice."


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Powerful Negotiating Skills for Women*

Negotiating is a daily event for women in the workplace--and everywhere else!  Too many women avoid negotiations/confrontations and/or do not feel confident in their positions and abilities. These women often settle for less than they deserve.

This presentation will show your attendees how to quickly and easily change those self-perceptions to succeed in negotiating without confronting.

Your attendees will walk away from this session with:


  • The ability to listen actively so she can hear what is being communicated beneath the words being spoken.

  • The one word--that she has been using all her life--to eliminate objections.

  • The "magic phrase" to listen for to know that the negotiation is being completed in her favor.

*Katie is licensed in Washington state to teach Powerful Negotiating Skills for Women in Real Estate for 3 CEs.

Nothing Happens Until You Make the Sale

In the fast-paced world of business, mastering the art of relationship selling

can feel daunting and often unsuccessful.

Many potential sales people call it quits before they succeed and many others fear the word "sales" so much that they never even attempt it.  However, data show that the best road  for growth both financially and professionally, is through sales. The good news is that there are just a few steps for your employees to take to ensure minimal turnover and exponential sales!

Katie works with sales teams and individuals to enjoy growth and personal satisfaction.

Corporate Meditation: Relaxation on the Run

Learning to relax and stay present helps you reduce your stress exponentially, be less judgmental, improve your mental and physical well-being and increase worker satisfaction and happiness.  This class may also be presented as a fundraiser.

Your attendees will leave this presentation with:


  • The ability to drop into a meditative state very quickly regardless of their surroundings.

  • The tools to stay present and calmly assess any situation.

  • A more positive and helpful outlook on life.

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